2016 MGCC Grass Track (Youth)
Our MGCC Kids Grass Track mission is to create a fun-filled, safe environment for our youth to build their skills, senses and strength, setting them up for a lifetime of enjoyment on their bikes
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
- All participants must be registered Morning Glory Cycling Club members and have an Ontario Cycling Association License.
- Grass Track Cycling is organized by a group of parent volunteers from the Morning Glory Cycling Club. Our aim is to create fun, respectful and safe learning environment. We expect all of the children to adhere to the activities to the best of their ability. If children are not respectful or are not following the direction of the volunteer parents, there will be two warnings. A third warning could lead to dismissal from the program.
- Bicycles are expected to be in proper working condition.
- Helmets must fit properly and be worn at all times.
- Children will be assigned to groups and are expected to stay with their group and group leader throughout the program.
- Wear a smile, it is contagious.