MGCC Diversity, Inclusivity, and Equity Policy.
1) Policy Statement
Morning Glory Cycling Club (MGCC) is committed to identifying, preventing and eliminating systemic racism in all aspects and leading by example in the advancement of racial equity. The MGCC is strengthened by targeted measures to identify, remove, prevent and mitigate any systemic racism barriers facing Indigenous, racialized and Black members.
2) Purpose
2.1. The purpose of this policy is to establish:
a club-wide systemic anti-racism and anti-oppressive approach regarding all aspects of the MGCC, and
a set of principles and requirements for identifying, preventing, removing and mitigating systemic racism barriers that may arise.
3) Application and Scope
3.1. This policy applies to all active club members and volunteers.
3.1.1. Policy on Preventing Barriers which provides requirements and direction on the identification, removal, mitigation and prevention of systemic barriers (based on all prohibited grounds of discrimination under the Ontario Human Rights Code) that may arise.
4) Principles
The implementation of this Anti-Racism Policy will be guided by the following principles:
4.1. Proactive and Systemic Approach – The MGCC takes proactive steps to identify, prevent, remove and mitigate systemic racism barriers.
4.2. Evidence-based – Measures to address systemic racism barriers are informed by research, driven by measurable goals and desired outcomes, and include disaggregated race data collection and analysis.
4.3. Transparency and Accountability – Trust and accountability are maintained through reporting and oversight by the MGCC DEI committee.
4.4. Intersectionality – Strategies and tactics to address systemic racism barriers take into consideration that racism is experienced differently among various racialized groups, and within those groups, based on other dimensions of diversity including ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, record of offenses, marital status, family status, disability and language.
4.5. Engagement – There is respectful, open and ongoing communication between the board, members and, where applicable, the DEI committee, in the interest of advancing racial equity and maintaining an anti-oppressive and inclusive process. The lived experience, perspectives and guidance of those most adversely impacted by racism, including Indigenous, racialized and Black members, informs the committee.
4.6. Sustainability – Measurable advancements in racial equity are achieved through long-term, targeted, club-wide anti-racism efforts.
4.7. Targeted Universalism – Identifying, removing, preventing and mitigating systemic racism barriers creates more equitable human resource management directives, policies, procedures and practices as applicable, which support all members in achieving full participation in the club.
5) Mandatory Requirements
Anti-Racism Program
5.1. The board must lead the development of a multi-year, club-wide anti-racism program (“Program”), as well as coordinate and support the DEI committee’s implementation efforts. The Program aims to:
5.1.1. identify, remove, prevent and mitigate any systemic racism barriers that contribute to inequitable racial outcomes, and
5.1.2. advance racial equity in the MGCC.
Anti-Racism Program Elements
5.2. The Program must include:
5.2.1. Initiatives to identify, remove, prevent and mitigate any systemic racism barriers that contribute to inequitable racial outcomes,
5.2.2. Initiatives to advance racial equity, and
5.2.3. Goals, targets and indicators to measure the Program’s effectiveness throughout the lifecycle.
Systemic Racism Barrier Identification and Removal Process
5.3. The systemic racism barrier identification and removal process is a centralized process that includes annual trend analysis led by the board, in collaboration with the DEI committee. Trend analysis may include, but is not necessarily limited to:
-disaggregated race data,
-de-identified data on the representation and distribution of members,
-including Indigenous, racialized, and Black members,
-sport-level data, initiatives and trend information,
-de-identified data on race-based complaints, and
-de-identified race-based enrollment data.
5.4. The board in collaboration with the DEI committee will examine the outcomes of the trend analysis to develop a club-wide action plan with identified focus areas on an annual basis that will:
-further assess for the potential presence of systemic racism barriers, and
-take necessary actions, which include remedies to remove or mitigate identified systemic racism barriers.
5.4.1. The board will be provided guidance on the implementation of the club–wide action plan and will be required to report back to the DEI committee on this implementation, as applicable.
5.4.2. The board may be required to develop local action plans, with guidance from the DEI committee, as determined by the outcomes of the trend analysis.
Anti-Racism Competency and Capacity Building
5.5. The DEI committee will lead the development of club-wide anti-racism competency and capacity building.
5.5.1. Anti-racism training must be made available by the board to its members, as appropriate to their duties, in order to promote and develop anti-racism competency, capacity and understanding.
Review and Engagement
5.6. The Program must be reviewed by the board in collaboration with the DEI committee at least every five years to determine its effectiveness.
5.7. As part of this review, the DEI committee, must solicit input from, including but not limited to, the groups listed below. The purpose of these engagements is to inform ongoing racial equity initiatives and communicate progress against Program goals, targets and indicators.
-Indigenous, racialized and Black members
-MGCC DEI members based on other dimensions of diversity
-MGCC board members
6) Responsibilities
6.1. Contribute to a club free of systemic racism by complying with the requirements of relevant statutes such as the Ontario Human Rights Code, as well as this policy.
Ride Leaders
6.2. Apply board directives and policies in ways that promote an inclusive club free of systemic racism.
6.3. Engage in opportunities to develop their ability to advance racial equity and create diverse, anti-oppressive and inclusive environments, through actions such as, but not limited to, taking anti-racism training.
6.4. Are accountable for promoting racial equity and contributing to systemic racism barrier removal within their responsible area, as applicable.
6.5. Contribute to systemic racism barrier identification and prevention, as applicable.
Board Members
6.6. Provide leadership in promoting and sustaining an inclusive club free of systemic racism.
6.7. Contribute to the proactive systemic racism barrier identification process, including sharing of relevant information with the DEI committee, in accordance with the requirements set out in the Program.
6.8. Oversee the implementation of the club-wide action plan as required by the Program and report back to the DEI committee, as applicable.
DEI committee
6.6. Lead the development of resources and initiatives in support of this policy and the Program.
6.7. Serve as an anti-racism expert, advisor, strategic catalyst and lead the development of the Program (including setting overall Program objectives and vision), competency and capacity building, and provide coordination and support to relevant club partners’ implementation efforts.
6.8. Provide guidance and anti-racism training materials to help identify, remove, prevent and mitigate systemic racism barriers and advance racial equity in the MGCC.
6.9. Lead annual trend analysis of disaggregated race data, in collaboration with relevant partners, towards the purpose of systemic racism barrier identification.
6.10. Lead the development of a club-wide action plan with identified focus areas, in collaboration with relevant partners, to further assess for the potential presence of systemic racism barriers , and take necessary actions, which may include remedies to remove or mitigate identified systemic racism barriers.
6.11. Lead the Program review and hold engagement sessions at least every five years and recommend amendments to the Program, as needed.
6.12. Serve as advisor on inclusion and diversity, and provide link to broader MGCC Inclusion and Diversity Priorities.
6.13. Contribute to trend analysis of de-identified, disaggregated race data towards the purpose of systemic racism barrier identification and recommendations for any corresponding actions.
1) Policy Statement
Morning Glory Cycling Club (MGCC) is committed to identifying, preventing and eliminating systemic racism in all aspects and leading by example in the advancement of racial equity. The MGCC is strengthened by targeted measures to identify, remove, prevent and mitigate any systemic racism barriers facing Indigenous, racialized and Black members.
2) Purpose
2.1. The purpose of this policy is to establish:
a club-wide systemic anti-racism and anti-oppressive approach regarding all aspects of the MGCC, and
a set of principles and requirements for identifying, preventing, removing and mitigating systemic racism barriers that may arise.
3) Application and Scope
3.1. This policy applies to all active club members and volunteers.
3.1.1. Policy on Preventing Barriers which provides requirements and direction on the identification, removal, mitigation and prevention of systemic barriers (based on all prohibited grounds of discrimination under the Ontario Human Rights Code) that may arise.
4) Principles
The implementation of this Anti-Racism Policy will be guided by the following principles:
4.1. Proactive and Systemic Approach – The MGCC takes proactive steps to identify, prevent, remove and mitigate systemic racism barriers.
4.2. Evidence-based – Measures to address systemic racism barriers are informed by research, driven by measurable goals and desired outcomes, and include disaggregated race data collection and analysis.
4.3. Transparency and Accountability – Trust and accountability are maintained through reporting and oversight by the MGCC DEI committee.
4.4. Intersectionality – Strategies and tactics to address systemic racism barriers take into consideration that racism is experienced differently among various racialized groups, and within those groups, based on other dimensions of diversity including ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, record of offenses, marital status, family status, disability and language.
4.5. Engagement – There is respectful, open and ongoing communication between the board, members and, where applicable, the DEI committee, in the interest of advancing racial equity and maintaining an anti-oppressive and inclusive process. The lived experience, perspectives and guidance of those most adversely impacted by racism, including Indigenous, racialized and Black members, informs the committee.
4.6. Sustainability – Measurable advancements in racial equity are achieved through long-term, targeted, club-wide anti-racism efforts.
4.7. Targeted Universalism – Identifying, removing, preventing and mitigating systemic racism barriers creates more equitable human resource management directives, policies, procedures and practices as applicable, which support all members in achieving full participation in the club.
5) Mandatory Requirements
Anti-Racism Program
5.1. The board must lead the development of a multi-year, club-wide anti-racism program (“Program”), as well as coordinate and support the DEI committee’s implementation efforts. The Program aims to:
5.1.1. identify, remove, prevent and mitigate any systemic racism barriers that contribute to inequitable racial outcomes, and
5.1.2. advance racial equity in the MGCC.
Anti-Racism Program Elements
5.2. The Program must include:
5.2.1. Initiatives to identify, remove, prevent and mitigate any systemic racism barriers that contribute to inequitable racial outcomes,
5.2.2. Initiatives to advance racial equity, and
5.2.3. Goals, targets and indicators to measure the Program’s effectiveness throughout the lifecycle.
Systemic Racism Barrier Identification and Removal Process
5.3. The systemic racism barrier identification and removal process is a centralized process that includes annual trend analysis led by the board, in collaboration with the DEI committee. Trend analysis may include, but is not necessarily limited to:
-disaggregated race data,
-de-identified data on the representation and distribution of members,
-including Indigenous, racialized, and Black members,
-sport-level data, initiatives and trend information,
-de-identified data on race-based complaints, and
-de-identified race-based enrollment data.
5.4. The board in collaboration with the DEI committee will examine the outcomes of the trend analysis to develop a club-wide action plan with identified focus areas on an annual basis that will:
-further assess for the potential presence of systemic racism barriers, and
-take necessary actions, which include remedies to remove or mitigate identified systemic racism barriers.
5.4.1. The board will be provided guidance on the implementation of the club–wide action plan and will be required to report back to the DEI committee on this implementation, as applicable.
5.4.2. The board may be required to develop local action plans, with guidance from the DEI committee, as determined by the outcomes of the trend analysis.
Anti-Racism Competency and Capacity Building
5.5. The DEI committee will lead the development of club-wide anti-racism competency and capacity building.
5.5.1. Anti-racism training must be made available by the board to its members, as appropriate to their duties, in order to promote and develop anti-racism competency, capacity and understanding.
Review and Engagement
5.6. The Program must be reviewed by the board in collaboration with the DEI committee at least every five years to determine its effectiveness.
5.7. As part of this review, the DEI committee, must solicit input from, including but not limited to, the groups listed below. The purpose of these engagements is to inform ongoing racial equity initiatives and communicate progress against Program goals, targets and indicators.
-Indigenous, racialized and Black members
-MGCC DEI members based on other dimensions of diversity
-MGCC board members
6) Responsibilities
6.1. Contribute to a club free of systemic racism by complying with the requirements of relevant statutes such as the Ontario Human Rights Code, as well as this policy.
Ride Leaders
6.2. Apply board directives and policies in ways that promote an inclusive club free of systemic racism.
6.3. Engage in opportunities to develop their ability to advance racial equity and create diverse, anti-oppressive and inclusive environments, through actions such as, but not limited to, taking anti-racism training.
6.4. Are accountable for promoting racial equity and contributing to systemic racism barrier removal within their responsible area, as applicable.
6.5. Contribute to systemic racism barrier identification and prevention, as applicable.
Board Members
6.6. Provide leadership in promoting and sustaining an inclusive club free of systemic racism.
6.7. Contribute to the proactive systemic racism barrier identification process, including sharing of relevant information with the DEI committee, in accordance with the requirements set out in the Program.
6.8. Oversee the implementation of the club-wide action plan as required by the Program and report back to the DEI committee, as applicable.
DEI committee
6.6. Lead the development of resources and initiatives in support of this policy and the Program.
6.7. Serve as an anti-racism expert, advisor, strategic catalyst and lead the development of the Program (including setting overall Program objectives and vision), competency and capacity building, and provide coordination and support to relevant club partners’ implementation efforts.
6.8. Provide guidance and anti-racism training materials to help identify, remove, prevent and mitigate systemic racism barriers and advance racial equity in the MGCC.
6.9. Lead annual trend analysis of disaggregated race data, in collaboration with relevant partners, towards the purpose of systemic racism barrier identification.
6.10. Lead the development of a club-wide action plan with identified focus areas, in collaboration with relevant partners, to further assess for the potential presence of systemic racism barriers , and take necessary actions, which may include remedies to remove or mitigate identified systemic racism barriers.
6.11. Lead the Program review and hold engagement sessions at least every five years and recommend amendments to the Program, as needed.
6.12. Serve as advisor on inclusion and diversity, and provide link to broader MGCC Inclusion and Diversity Priorities.
6.13. Contribute to trend analysis of de-identified, disaggregated race data towards the purpose of systemic racism barrier identification and recommendations for any corresponding actions.